Mobile directory
The Town of Ross Mobile Directory enables you to stay connected with friends and neighbors in Ross. Get on-the-go access to Ross residents’ contact details anytime on your smartphone, tablet or desktop.
Want to email neighbors to let them know about construction? No problem. Need an address to send a thank you note? We’ve got you covered. The Directory is populated with addresses, emails, phone numbers and more.
Proceeds from this year’s fundraiser will be used to purchase additional holiday lights to brighten Ross Commons next holiday season and make additional improvements to Ross Common.
Directory Features:
- One-touch calling, no dialing needed
- Auto-launch maps by clicking an address
- Send a text by holding down cell number
- Quickly send emails from the directory
- Easily update your contact information
- 12-month subscription
New Subscribers: Once your payment has been received, you will be granted permission to access the directory via email within 48 hours.
PLEASE NOTE: Once you have been granted access to DirectorySpot, you will receive a notification email. Please download the DirectorySpot app, login, verify and complete your personal information.
Download Instructions For Smartphone Users:
iPhone click here:
Android click here:
Launch DirectorySpot, enter your email address as your Username, and click on "Reset Password."
Click on the link in your email to set your password, relaunch the DirectorySpot app, and login with your username and password.
Download Instructions For Tablet or Computer Users:
Go to and click on "Login" in the upper right hand corner.
Enter your email address as your Username, and click on "Reset Password." An email will be sent to you with a link to set your password.
Click on the link in your email to set your password and login.
Note – if downloading to an iPad, just search for “iPhone apps” and you will find DirectorySpot.